Public Offer Agreement

This Public Offer Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement," regulates the terms and conditions for providing the "Bintrade" service, available online at This Agreement is accepted electronically and does not require signature by the parties. By opening a Client Profile on the official website of Bintrade, the Client automatically accepts all the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement comes into effect at the moment of the Client's first login to their Client Profile at and remains valid until the Client Profile is closed by the Client through the Client's Account.

1. Terms and Definitions

  • Client's Account – A workspace created within the web interface, used by the Client for conducting trading and non-trading operations and entering personal information.
  • Client – Any individual over 18 years old using the Company's services under this Agreement.
  • Company – A legal entity known as "Bintrade," which provides real-time trading operations as per the terms of this Agreement.
  • Non-trading Operation – Any operation related to depositing funds into or withdrawing funds from the Client’s trading account. The Company uses electronic payment systems of its choice, integrated into the Client’s Account interface, for non-trading operations.
  • Client Profile – The personal data provided by the Client during registration in the Client's Account and stored on the Company’s secure server.
  • Trading Account – A specialized account on the Company's server that allows the Client to conduct trading operations.
  • Trading Operation – An arbitration transaction involving the purchase and sale of trading contracts, executed by the Client through the trading terminal in the Client's Account.
  • Trading Server – The Company-owned server with specialized software installed to facilitate Clients' trading and non-trading operations and track transaction statistics.
  • Trading Terminal – A specialized interface in the Client's Account, linked to the Company's trading server, through which the Client executes trading operations.

2. General Provisions

2.1. The service provided by the Company is an online platform that allows placing bets using the Company’s official website and trading server. Using the service requires a stable and high-quality internet connection on the Client’s side.

2.2. The Company adheres to existing legal standards related to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing. The Company requires the correct entry of personal data by the Client and reserves the right to verify the Client’s identity using the following methods:

  • Uploading scanned copies of identity documents and proof of residence in the Client Profile;
  • Making a phone call to the Client at the provided phone number;
  • Other means deemed necessary by the Company for verifying the Client's identity and financial activity.

2.3. Regardless of the Client’s legal status (individual or legal entity), the Client is prohibited from having more than one trading account with the Company. The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement or nullify the results of trading operations if an attempt to register multiple Client Profiles or use multiple trading accounts is detected.

2.4. The Client Profile is registered in a secure section of the Company's official website. The Company guarantees the confidentiality of all Client’s personal data in accordance with Section 8 of this Agreement.

2.5. The Client is responsible for maintaining the security of their login credentials for the Client's Account. If access to the Client’s Account is lost, the Client must immediately notify the Company to block funds on their trading account.

2.6. Upon registering a Client Profile, the Company automatically provides the Client with a Trading Account, which is used for all trading and non-trading operations.

3. Procedure for Non-Trading Operations

3.1. Non-trading operations include the Client's transactions for depositing funds into their trading account and withdrawing funds (funds deposit and withdrawal).

3.2. Non-trading operations are carried out by the Client only using the functionality of the Client's Account. The Company does not process non-trading operations requested via regular communication means (Email, ICQ, Live-chat, etc.).

3.3. The currency of the trading account is the Russian ruble. The balance of the Client's trading account is displayed in this currency. The trading account currency cannot be changed. When the Client deposits funds into their trading account, the deposit amount is automatically converted from the currency used by the Client into the trading account currency. The same operation occurs when processing withdrawals.

3.4. If currency conversion is required, the Company uses the exchange rate of the electronic payment system at the time of the non-trading operation.

3.5. The Company sets the following minimum amounts for non-trading operations:
Deposit – 1000 RUB.

3.6. If the Client uses different wallets for depositing funds into their trading account, withdrawals must be made to those wallets in the same proportion as the deposits. The trading profit may be split equally between different wallets. If the Company is unable to process withdrawals to the specified payment details, it must notify the Client to change the selected payment systems or wallets.

3.7. To comply with legal regulations and ensure Client fund protection, withdrawals are made using the same payment system that was used for deposits and only to the same payment details.

3.8. The Company does not allow the use of its service as a means of profiting from non-trading operations or by any method other than direct use of its service.

3.9. The Client can request a withdrawal of funds only after achieving a trading turnover of 150% of the deposited amount.

4. Procedure for Trading Operations

4.1. Trading operations refer to bets (wagers) on the predicted direction of currency pairs or cryptocurrencies. These operations are conducted through the trading terminal provided by the Company within the Client's Account. All Client trading operations are processed by the Company's trading server with the appropriate software.

4.2. The Company ensures price quotations in the trading terminal, specifying the price in a univocal Plost quote, which is calculated using the formula: Plost = Pbid + (Pask - Pbid) / 2. Where:

  • Plost – the price used for trading operations at the expiration of a specified time period, which determines the opening and closing transactions of option contracts.
  • Pbid – the Bid price provided to the Company by its liquidity provider.
  • Pask – the Ask price provided to the Company by its liquidity provider.

4.3. Trading operations on the Company's trading server are executed at the expiration of a specified time period. The Company allows trading operations and provides quotations 24/7.

4.4. The Company uses the "TradingView" quotation technology for trading operations and executes transactions after the expiration of a specified countdown time. The maximum deviation of the price displayed in the Client's trading terminal from the price on the Company's trading server does not exceed two average spreads for the given trading instrument during periods of average market volatility.

4.5. Trading operations can be performed only after the Client registers within the Client's Account, creates a Client Profile, and funds their Trading Account.

4.6. Trading operations involve the Client's funds deposited into their Trading Account or the Company's credit funds provided to Clients under the terms specified on the Company's official website.

4.7. The Company has the right to refuse a trading operation if, at the time the Client decides to open a contract, the Company lacks sufficient liquidity for the selected trading instrument at the contract expiration. In this case, after pressing the corresponding button in the trading terminal, the Client receives a notification.

4.8. The Client may submit a withdrawal request no more than once per day and for an amount not exceeding the highest deposit made by them. A repeated withdrawal request can be submitted on the next business day.

4.9. The Company offers trading rooms with various prize pools as part of its service.

4.10. The Client can hold an unlimited number of trading rooms open simultaneously on their trading account. However, the total volume of all newly opened rooms cannot exceed the balance indicated in the trading terminal.

4.11. The Company implements the following mandatory mechanism for trading operations with "High-Low" option contracts:

4.11.1. Using the trading terminal within the Client's Account, the Client determines the parameters of the trading operation: trading instrument, contract expiration time, trading volume, and contract type ("Call" or "Put"). The price displayed in the Client's trading terminal is the Plost price.

4.11.2. The contract's profitability percentage is determined based on the current liquidity volumes of liquidity providers. The profitability level is set for each specific trading operation and displayed in the respective window of the Client's trading terminal.

4.11.3. When the Client presses the "Call" or "Put" button in the trading terminal, the trading operation parameters are fixed and sent to the Company's trading server. The trading server receives the request from the Client's trading terminal and queues it for processing. At this moment, the Client's trading account is debited with the collateral amount required for contract execution according to the volume set by the Client.

4.11.4. When the request is processed, the trading server reads the main trading operation parameters and executes the transaction at the price existing on the Company's server at that moment, recording it in the server database.

4.11.5. The request processing time depends on the connection quality between the Client's trading terminal and the Company's trading server, as well as market conditions for the asset. Under normal market conditions, Client request processing usually takes 0–4 seconds. Under abnormal market conditions, processing time may increase.

4.11.6. At contract expiration, the entry price is compared with the closing price, and the following algorithm is applied: For "Call" contracts:

  • If the closing price is higher than the opening price (strictly Popening < Pclosing), the contract is considered executed. The collateral amount is returned to the Client's trading account, and the execution premium is credited according to the amount displayed in the Client's trading terminal at the time of pressing "Call."
  • If the closing price is lower than the opening price (strictly Popening > Pclosing), the contract is considered unexecuted. The collateral amount is deducted from the Client's trading account. For "Put" contracts:

  • If the closing price is lower than the opening price (strictly Popening > Pclosing), the contract is considered executed. The collateral amount is returned to the Client's trading account, and the execution premium is credited according to the amount displayed in the Client's trading terminal at the time of pressing "Put."
  • If the closing price is higher than the opening price (strictly Popening < Pclosing), the contract is considered unexecuted. The collateral amount is deducted from the Client's trading account.

4.11.7. The Company has the right to cancel or revise the results of a Client's trading operation in the following cases:

  • The trading operation was executed at a non-market price.
  • Unauthorized bots or other software were used for trading operations.
  • Technical failures occurred on the trading server.
  • Synthetic trading operations (locks) on trading contracts may be deemed invalid if clear signs of abuse are detected

5. Quotes and Information

5.1. Transactions are executed using the price offered on the Company's trading platform. The trading conditions for instruments are specified in the contract specifications. All matters related to determining the current market price level are at the sole discretion of the Company, and these values are uniform for all Clients of the Company.

5.2. In the event of an unplanned interruption in the server quote stream due to hardware or software failure, the Company has the right to synchronize the quote database on the server servicing Clients with other sources. These sources, in order of priority, may include: A. The liquidity provider's quote database; B. The quote database of an information agency.

5.3. In the event of a malfunction in the calculation of profits for an option contract/instrument due to an incorrect operation of the trading platform's software and/or hardware, the Company has the right to: A. Delete the position opened as a result of the error; B. Adjust the erroneously executed position according to actual values.

5.4. The method of correction or modification of the size, price, and/or quantity of trading operations (and/or the level or size of any order) is determined by the Company and is final and binding on the Client. The Company undertakes to inform the Client of any correction or similar modification as soon as possible.

6. Relationship Between the Parties

6.1. The Client is not entitled to request any trading recommendations or other information from the Company's representatives that would motivate them to execute trading operations. The Company undertakes not to provide the Client with any recommendations that directly motivate the Client to conduct trading operations. This provision does not apply to general recommendations from the Company on the use of option trading strategies.

6.2. The Client guarantees the Company protection from any liabilities, expenses, claims, or damages that may arise directly or indirectly due to the Client's failure to fulfill obligations to third parties, both in connection with their activities within the Company and outside of it.

6.3. The Company is not an Internet service provider and cannot be held responsible for any obligations in case of failures in communication channels or other means of communication.

6.4. The Client is required to provide the Company's employees, upon request, with copies of documents verifying their identity and actual residential address, as well as to fulfill any other verification requirements determined by the Company.

6.5. The Client agrees not to distribute any information about the Company in any mass media (Internet forums, blogs, newspapers, radio, television, etc.) without prior agreement on the content with an official representative of the Company.

6.6. The Company reserves the right to amend this Agreement in whole or in part without prior notice to the Client. The current version of the Agreement can be found on the Company's official website. The revision date is indicated in the relevant section.

6.7. The Company is not responsible to the Client for any losses or damages incurred as a result of using the services provided by the Company and does not compensate for moral damages or lost profits unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or other Company documents.

6.8. The primary means of communication between the Company and the Client is email correspondence. However, the Company is also obligated to provide necessary support using other communication methods specified on its official website.

7. Risk Disclosure

7.1. The Client assumes the following risks:

7.1.1. General investment risks associated with the potential loss of invested funds as a result of trading operations. Such risks are not subject to government insurance and are not protected by any legislative acts.

7.1.2. Risks associated with the execution of trading operations in an "online" mode. The Client understands that their operations are carried out using an electronic trading system and are not directly linked to any global trading platforms. All communications are conducted through available communication channels.

7.1.3. Risks associated with the use of electronic payment systems.

7.2. The Client understands that they should not invest funds in their trading account if the loss of such funds would significantly affect their quality of life or create problems in relationships with third parties.

8. Personal Data Processing

8.1. The Company processes Clients' personal data in accordance with generally accepted global practices.

8.2. The Company ensures the confidentiality of Clients' personal data as entered by the Client in registration forms on the Company's official website and within the Client Profile. This data is stored on a secure server and is not shared with any third parties except in cases of official requests from competent government authorities.

8.3. The Client has the right to modify their personal data in their Client Profile, except for their email address. Data can only be changed upon personal contact with the Company's support service after identification verification.

8.4. The Company uses "cookies" technology when operating its website to collect statistical information.

9. Complaints and Dispute Resolution

9.1. Any disputes between the Company and the Client shall be resolved through negotiation and correspondence.

9.2. Client complaints arising from the implementation of this Agreement must be submitted in writing via email to within five business days from the occurrence of the disputed situation.

9.3. The Company shall review the Client's complaint within 14 business days from the date of receipt and must notify the Client of the results via email.

9.4. The Company does not compensate Clients for lost profits or moral damages. If a complaint is resolved in favor of the Client, the Company shall either credit compensation to the Client’s account or annul the disputed transaction, adjusting the Client's balance to reflect what it would have been had the disputed transaction not taken place. Other trading operations of the Client on their account will not be considered in this calculation.

9.5. Compensation payments are credited to the Client's account within one business day after a favorable decision on the complaint.

9.6. If a dispute arises that is not described in this Agreement, the Company will base its final decision on generally accepted global practices and principles of fair dispute resolution.

10. Duration and Termination of this Agreement

10.1. This Agreement comes into effect upon the Client’s first login to their profile at (Client Profile registration) and remains valid indefinitely.

10.2. Either Party may unilaterally terminate this Agreement:

10.2.1. The Agreement is considered terminated at the Client's initiative within seven business days from the closure of the Client Profile in the Client’s Cabinet or upon receipt of a written notice from the Client requesting termination, provided that the Client has no outstanding obligations under this Agreement. The termination notice must be sent via email to

10.2.2. The Company has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally without explanation. In such a case, the Company undertakes to fulfill its financial obligations to the Client, provided that the Client has no outstanding obligations under this Agreement.

10.2.3. The Company may terminate the Agreement unilaterally and without prior notice if the Client violates one or more terms of this Agreement.

10.3. The Agreement is considered terminated once both the Client and the Company have fulfilled their mutual obligations regarding previously executed non-trading operations and settled all outstanding debts, provided that the Client has no remaining obligations under this Agreement.


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